Carmakers based in Mexico increased production and exports in October this year as supply chain constraints eased, according to the Mexican Automotive Industry Association (Amia). Mexico […]
One of the main reasons Mexican manufacturing has been so popular, especially for US companies, is its competitive labor rates. This means significant savings, but at […]
Many companies are familiar with Mexico’s IMMEX program for international and US companies manufacturing in Mexico, which has been in place for over 30 years and […]
A significant part of Mexico’s economy is based on international trade, with exports representing 18.5% of its gross domestic product in 2021. Exports have grown steadily […]
For international companies wanting to set up manufacturing operations in Mexico, the quickest and easiest way is by working with an experienced shelter company. Setting up […]
Chinese investment in Mexico continues to grow as more and more companies from the world’s most populous nation seek to take advantage of the country’s proximity […]