Manufacturing in Mexico: San Luis Potosi

Population: 2.8 M inhabitant
Economic Active Population: 1.2 M inhabitants
Area: 24,056 mi2 (62,305 km2)
Elevation: 6,105 ft (1,860 m)
Avg. temperature: 65.4°F (18.6°C)
Clients: 1
Available Workforce: 80,000
Turnover (monthly average): 1.36%
Absenteeism (monthly average): 1.87%
Graduates (per year): 44,000
Technicians (per year): 30,000
Universities: 115
Research and technology centers: 7
State manufacturing operations: 406


If you are interested in San Luis Potosi Region to establish your operations in Mexico, please check our available buildings here:



San Luis PotosiSan Luis Potosi
San Luis PotosiSan Luis Potosi
San Luis PotosiSan Luis Potosi
San Luis PotosiSan Luis Potosi
San Luis PotosiSan Luis Potosi
San Luis PotosiSan Luis Potosi